Vourvoulos Beach In Santorini

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Vourvoulos Beach is a charming and less frequented treasure in Santorini, providing a tranquil and scenic environment for relaxation and gentle water activities. Its proximity to Fira allows visitors to combine a beach day with exploration of the island’s capital, making it a versatile and appealing destination in Santorini.

For those seeking a quiet and beautiful beach away from the more tourist-heavy spots, Vourvoulos is a fantastic option worth considering during your stay on the island. With its black sands, clear waters, and the convenience of nearby dining options, Vourvoulos Beach offers a delightful and relaxing experience for all visitors in the enchanting setting of Santorini.

View our Santorini Beach Guide

1. Location

Vourvoulos Beach is situated near the village of Vourvoulos, approximately 7 kilometers from Fira, the island’s vibrant capital.

How to Get There:

  • By Car: A car or scooter is the most convenient mode of transportation to reach Vourvoulos Beach. Parking is available near the beach.
  • By Taxi: Taxis can be hired from Fira or other parts of the island to reach the beach comfortably.

2. Attractions

Vourvoulos Beach, Greece
  • Secluded Ambiance: Vourvoulos Beach is known for its quiet and relaxing atmosphere, making it ideal for visitors seeking a peaceful retreat.
  • Scenic Beauty: With its black sands, clear blue waters, and the backdrop of rugged cliffs, the beach is visually stunning.
  • Safe Swimming: The shallow and calm waters are ideal for safe swimming, making it suitable for families with children.

3. Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars

Vourvoulos Village

While Vourvoulos Beach is quieter, there are a few noteworthy dining options nearby.

  • To Arki: This local tavern offers a delightful menu of Greek and Mediterranean cuisine, with fresh seafood as a highlight. The establishment also provides a cozy and friendly atmosphere.
  • Vourvoulos Village: For more extensive dining and drinking options, visitors can head to the nearby village of Vourvoulos, which boasts a variety of restaurants, cafes, and bars.

4. Tips and Considerations

Vourvoulos Beach, Greece
  • The beach offers sunbeds and umbrellas for rent, providing comfort for visitors.
  • It’s advisable to bring water shoes as the seabed can be rocky in parts.
  • Arriving early is recommended if you prefer a more secluded experience as the beach can attract more visitors as the day progresses.

Category: Beaches

Tags: Beaches